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Next-generation ampoule containing human stem cell culture solution that penetrates deep into the skin using exosome technology, with all the benefits of Skin Booster Ampoule, which helps restore damaged skin balance and creates moist, shiny, and  healthy skin.



Developed with the latest EXO technology,
'DocLab Excellence Cell Inverse EXO Ampoule' contains 2X109/1ml of high-purity EXO particles. 
Including major growth factors such as  AR, bFGF, EGF, EGFR, FGF-4, FGF-7 (KGF), HGF, IGF-1, SCF, TGFb1, TGFb3, and VEGF.
  DocLab Cell Inverse Exo Ampoule Kit for MTS (Professional use ONLY)
   1. Freeze-Dried Exo 5ml X 4 vials
   2. Activator: 5ml X 4 vials

   3. Exo Ointment 100ml x1


Exollence Cell Inverse Exosome Ampoule Kit (Aesthetic Clinic ONLY)



    2078 W.Broadway
    Vancouver BC

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